T型フィルタ(LPF)のコンデンサ容量 設計値52pF
TC9256 PLL control program
50Mhz control programと異なる点は、周波数制限、PLLへのコントロールコマンド、Debounceの値である。Debounce変更理由は、誤表示した為である。コンパイラー自体のバグと思われるが、現在の環境(BASCOM DEMO Version)では、OKとした。
'28Mhz AM Tranceiver TC9256 PLL program
' Single super version(IF 455khz) 5khz step
' Frequency 28.215Mhz to 28.355Mhz Limitted!
' 2012/12/25
$regfile = "attiny2313.dat"
$crystal = 800000
Declare Sub Enc_sub 'define subrutine
Declare Sub Pll_sub
Declare Sub Lcd_sub
Declare Sub Vfo_sub
Declare Sub Tx_sub
Declare Sub Mem_sub
'define memory
Dim Pll_adr As Byte 'PLL command adress
Dim Pll_dat As Word ' freqency data
Dim Pll_cmd As Byte ' command
Dim Frq_wrk As Word 'freqency
Dim Dsp_frq As String * 6 'Display frequency
Dim Frq_man As Word 'main channel
Dim Flg As Byte 'flag
Dim Flg_tx As Byte 'TX flag
Dim Frqa_eep As Eram Word 'power off frequency A
Dim Frqb_eep As Eram Word 'power off frequency B
Dim Flg_eep As Eram Byte
'Main roution
Disable Interrupts
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db7 = Portb.0 , Db6 = Portb.1
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db5 = Portb.2 , Db4 = Portb.3
Config Lcdpin = Pin , E = Portb.4 , Rs = Portb.5
Config Lcd = 16 * 2
Config Porta.1 = Output 'Period
'None,D6=TX,D5=VFO,D4=ENC B,D3=ENC A,D2=Main ch,D1=Clock,D0=Data
Config Portd = &B00000011
Portd = &B01111100 'pull up input pin
Config Debounce = 2
'PLL initial data set
Pll_adr = &B11010000 'pll CMD address
Pll_cmd = &B01100110 'Xtal 4.5Mhz,5khz step,HF
Frq_man = 5572 '(28.315Mhz-455khz)/5khz
Flg_tx = 0 'initial TX flag
Flg = Flg_eep 'Restore memory
If Flg = 0 Then
Pll_dat = Frqa_eep
Pll_dat = Frqb_eep
End If
Cursor Off
Call Pll_sub 'Dummy write
Call Pll_sub 'PLL write
Call Lcd_sub 'LCD write
Enable Interrupts
If Flg_tx = 0 Then 'TX?
Debounce Pind.2 , 0 , Mem_sub , Sub ' no,recive!
Debounce Pind.3 , 0 , Enc_sub , Sub
Debounce Pind.5 , 0 , Vfo_sub , Sub
Debounce Pind.6 , 0 , Tx_sub , Sub
If Pind.6 = 1 Then 'Send SW off?
Flg_tx = 0
Call Pll_sub
Locate 2 , 7
Lcd " "
End If
End If
'Memory channel set
Sub Mem_sub
Pll_dat = Frq_man
Call Pll_sub
Call Lcd_sub
If Flg = 0then
Frqa_eep = Pll_dat
Frqb_eep = Pll_dat
End If
While Pind.2 = 0
End Sub
'Encoder counts and PLL set
Sub Enc_sub
If Pind.4 = 1 Then 'Up
Pll_dat = Pll_dat + 1
Else 'down
Pll_dat = Pll_dat - 1
End If
If Pll_dat <= 5551 Then 'pll_data <= (28.210Mhz-455khz)/5khz ?
Pll_dat = 5552
End If
If Pll_dat >= 5581 Then 'pll_data >= (28.360Mhz-455khz)/5khz ?
Pll_dat = 5580
End If
Call Pll_sub
Call Lcd_sub
If Flg = 0then
Frqa_eep = Pll_dat
Frqb_eep = Pll_dat
End If
End Sub
'TC9256 Data write
Sub Pll_sub
Set Portd.0 'Data is High
Set Portd.1 'Clock is High
Set Porta.1 'period is High
Reset Porta.1 'period is Low
Shiftout Portd.0 , Portd.1 , Pll_adr , 2 , 8 , 1 'ADDRESS set
Set Porta.1
Shiftout Portd.0 , Portd.1 , Pll_dat , 2 , 16 , 1 'PLL data set
Shiftout Portd.0 , Portd.1 , Pll_cmd , 2 , 8 , 1
Reset Porta.1
End Sub
'LCD Data write
Sub Lcd_sub
Locate 1 , 1
Frq_wrk = Pll_dat * 5
Frq_wrk = Frq_wrk + 455 'pll_dat+455khz
Dsp_frq = Str(frq_wrk)
Dsp_frq = Format(dsp_frq , "00.000")
Lcd "FREQ:" ; Dsp_frq ; "Mhz"
Locate 2 , 1
Lcd "VFO:" ; Flg
Locate 2 , 7
Lcd " "
Locate 2 , 10
Lcd "JA2GQP"
End Sub
Sub Vfo_sub
If Flg = 0then
Flg = 1
Pll_dat = Frqb_eep
Flg = 0
Pll_dat = Frqa_eep
End If
Flg_eep = Flg
Call Pll_sub
Call Lcd_sub
While Pind.5 = 0
End Sub
Sub Tx_sub
If Flg_tx = 0 Then
Flg_tx = 1
Frq_wrk = Pll_dat
Pll_dat = Pll_dat + 91 'pll_dat+455khz
Call Pll_sub 'PLL data write
Pll_dat = Frq_wrk
Locate 2 , 7
Lcd "TX"
End If
End Sub
4 件のコメント:
Arigato gazaimasu mr. akio mizuno san.
can you help me, for 88 mhz-108mhz PLL?
Dear elektronika-kit.
By rewriting the program and exchange coil, 88Mhz-108MhzPLL is possible.
TC9256 operate up to 150Mhz.
However, you may need to consider a review of circuit, step setting, operation mode.
for the program (Freq input-455khz) / 5kz
Frq man = (28.315mhz-455khz) / 5khz = 5572
sub lcd_sub
frq_wrk = 5572 * 5 = 27860
frk_wrk = 27860 +455 = 28315
----> 28135 is a reading of the LCD. (28.135Mhz)
now I find it difficult to program 88MHZ-108MHZ
man freq = (freq input-10.7MHz) /?
frq_wrk = pll_dat *?
frq_wrk = frq_wrk + 10.7 ?
if mr. akio mizuno san can help me for the source program. I thank you in advance.
Dear elektronika-kit.
Specification is not only seen in the frequency, I can not answer anything.
Conditions other than I do not know the frequency, 10.7Mhz frequency IF?
If, IF if the 10.7Mhz, TC9256 PLL source program will be helpful.
I think because of its application to other frequency TC9256 will be useful, but I want to be perused.