si5351a X'talモドキ用にPCBを作った。このPCBで使えるPIC12F1840スケッチとして、4種類がある。単一出力のX'talモドキ・VXO更に、位相出力・位相出力VXO版である。今回、既に紹介したスケッチを更新した。
周波数可変方法にボリュームを使っており、SKIP SWと組合わせて周波数調整を行う。ボリューム中心値より小さい時-1kHz、ボリューム中心値より大きい時+1kHz周波数がSKIPする。今回、10kHzSKIP機能を追加した。操作方法は、ボリュームが最小の時-10kHz、ボリュームが最大の時+10kHz周波数SKIPである。
JA2GQP's Download site picフォルダからダウンロードできる。
// si5351a PLL control(PIC12F1840) Phase & VXO
// 2018/10/15
//---------- Header file include -------------------------//
#include <xc.h>
//----------Configuration setting ------------------------//
// config1
#pragma config FOSC = INTOSC // Internal clock
#pragma config WDTE = OFF // Watchdog timer off
#pragma config PWRTE = ON // Power on start
#pragma config MCLRE = OFF // External reset not used
#pragma config CP = OFF // Program memory not protected
#pragma config CPD = OFF // Data memory not protected
#pragma config BOREN = ON // Power drop monitoring
#pragma config CLKOUTEN = OFF // Clock out pin is RA4
#pragma config IESO = OFF // No activation with clock switching
#pragma config FCMEN = OFF // Do not monitor external clock
// config2
#pragma config WRT = OFF // Flash memory not protected
#pragma config PLLEN = OFF // It does not work at 32 MHz
#pragma config STVREN = ON // Reset with stack overflow(underflow)
#pragma config BORV = HI // Voltage drop monitoring
#pragma config LVP = OFF // Low voltage programming not used
//---------- Define value setting ------------------------//
#define DEF_FREQ 7100000-AD_OFFSET // Default frequency
#define EEP_ADR 0x00 // EEPROM address
#define SCL RA1 // I2C Clock
#define SDA RA2 // I2C Data
#define AD_OFFSET 1024 // Frequency offset
#define _XTAL_FREQ 16000000 // clock 16MHz(Use with delay)
// si5351a parameter
#define CLK0_CTRL 16 // Register definitions
#define CLK1_CTRL 17
#define CLK2_CTRL 18
#define MSNA_ADDR 26
#define MSNB_ADDR 34
#define MS0_ADDR 42
#define MS1_ADDR 50
#define MS2_ADDR 58
#define CLK0_PHOFF 165
#define CLK1_PHOFF 166
#define PLL_RESET 177
#define XTAL_LOAD_C 183
#define R_DIV_1 0b00000000 // R-division ratio definitions
#define Si5351A_ADDR 0xC0 // address(cip address<<1)
#define XTAL_FREQ 25000000 // Crystal frequency for Hans' board
#define _6pF 0b01010010 // 6pF
#define _8pF 0b10010010 // 8pF
#define _10pF 0b11010010 // 10pF
#define XTAL_CL _8pF // XTAL_CL 8pF set
#define _2mA 0x4C // 2mA(1dBm))
#define _4mA 0x4D // 4mA(5dBm))
#define _6mA 0x4E // 6mA(10dBm))
#define _8mA 0x4F // 8mA(12dBm)
#define mA _6mA // output lebel 10dBm set
//---------- Memory define -------------------------------//
static unsigned long frequency=DEF_FREQ; // Frequency data
//------------- Initial proc. ----------------------------//
void PIC12F1840_set(){
OSCCON = 0b01111000 ; // clock set(16MHz=0x78,8MHz=0x70,4MHz=0x68)
ANSELA = 0b00010000 ; // Anarog = AN3,Othe digital
TRISA = 0b00011000; // I/O set(0=output,1=input)
PORTA = 0b00000000 ; // Output pin initial value
EECON1bits.EEPGD = 0;
ADCON1 = 0b11010000 ; // FOSC/16,VDD=Ref
ADCON0 = 0b00001101 ;
__delay_us(5) ; // 5us(at clock 16MHz))
//------------- wait proc. -------------------------------//
void await(unsigned long ct){
while(ct>0) ct--;
//------------- I2C start proc. --------------------------//
void I2C_start(){
SCL = 1; // start condition
SDA = 1;
SDA = 0;
SCL = 0;
//------------- I2C stop proc. ---------------------------//
void I2C_stop(){
SCL = 1; // stop condition
SDA = 0;
SDA = 1;
SCL = 0;
//------------- I2C write byte proc. ---------------------//
void wr_Byte(unsigned char x){
unsigned int k;
if(x & 0x80) SDA = 1; else SDA = 0;
SCL = 1;
SCL = 0;
SDA = 0;
x <<= 1;
SCL = 1;
SCL = 0;
//------------- si5351 command processing ----------------//
void Si5351_write(unsigned char reg_No, unsigned char x){
wr_Byte(Si5351A_ADDR); // address set
//------------- si5351 Initialization --------------------//
void Si5351_init(void){
Si5351_write(XTAL_LOAD_C,XTAL_CL); // XTAL_CL set
Si5351_write(CLK0_CTRL,0x80); // Disable CLK0
Si5351_write(CLK1_CTRL,0x80); // Disable CLK1
Si5351_write(PLL_RESET,0xA0); // Reset PLL_A
Si5351_write(CLK0_CTRL,mA); // Enable CLK0 (MS0=Integer Mode, Source=PLL_A)
Si5351_write(CLK1_CTRL,mA); // Enable CLK1 (MS0=Integer Mode, Source=PLL_A)
//------------- si5351 PLL data set --------------------------//
void setupPLL(unsigned char pll, unsigned char mult, unsigned long num, unsigned long denom){
unsigned long P1; // PLL config register P1
unsigned long P2; // PLL config register P2
unsigned long P3; // PLL config register P3
P1 = (unsigned long)(128 * ((float)num / (float)denom));
P1 = (unsigned long)(128 * (unsigned long)(mult) + P1 - 512);
P2 = (unsigned long)(128 * ((float)num / (float)denom));
P2 = (unsigned long)(128 * num - denom * P2);
P3 = denom;
Si5351_write(pll + 0, (P3 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
Si5351_write(pll + 1, (P3 & 0x000000FF));
Si5351_write(pll + 2, (P1 & 0x00030000) >> 16);
Si5351_write(pll + 3, (P1 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
Si5351_write(pll + 4, (P1 & 0x000000FF));
Si5351_write(pll + 5, ((P3 & 0x000F0000) >> 12) | ((P2 & 0x000F0000) >> 16));
Si5351_write(pll + 6, (P2 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
Si5351_write(pll + 7, (P2 & 0x000000FF));
//------------- Set up MultiSynth --------------------------//
void setupMultisynth(unsigned char synth, unsigned long divider, unsigned char rDiv){
unsigned long P1; // Synth config register P1
unsigned long P2; // Synth config register P2
unsigned long P3; // Synth config register P3
P1 = 128 * divider - 512;
P2 = 0; // P2 = 0, P3 = 1 forces an integer value for the divider
P3 = 1;
Si5351_write(synth + 0, (P3 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
Si5351_write(synth + 1, (P3 & 0x000000FF));
Si5351_write(synth + 2, ((P1 & 0x00030000) >> 16) | rDiv);
Si5351_write(synth + 3, (P1 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
Si5351_write(synth + 4, (P1 & 0x000000FF));
Si5351_write(synth + 5, ((P3 & 0x000F0000) >> 12) | ((P2 & 0x000F0000) >> 16));
Si5351_write(synth + 6, (P2 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
Si5351_write(synth + 7, (P2 & 0x000000FF));
//------------- si5351 data set --------------------------//
void si5351aSetFrequency(unsigned long frequency){
unsigned long pllFreq;
unsigned long xtalFreq = XTAL_FREQ;
unsigned long l;
float f;
unsigned char mult;
unsigned long num;
unsigned long denom;
unsigned long divider;
divider = 900000000 / frequency; // Calculate the division ratio. 900,000,000 is the maximum internal
// PLL frequency: 900MHz
if (divider % 2) divider--; // Ensure an even integer
//division ratio
pllFreq = divider * frequency; // Calculate the pllFrequency:
//the divider * desired output frequency
mult = pllFreq / xtalFreq; // Determine the multiplier to
//get to the required pllFrequency
l = pllFreq % xtalFreq; // It has three parts:
f = l; // mult is an integer that must be in the range 15..90
f *= 1048575; // num and denom are the fractional parts, the numerator and denominator
f /= xtalFreq; // each is 20 bits (range 0..1048575)
num = f; // the actual multiplier is mult + num / denom
denom = 1048575; // For simplicity we set the denominator to the maximum 1048575
// Set up PLL A with the calculated multiplication ratio
setupPLL(MSNA_ADDR, mult, num, denom);
// Set up MultiSynth divider 0, with the calculated divider.
// The final R division stage can divide by a power of two, from 1..128.
// reprented by constants SI_R_DIV1 to SI_R_DIV128 (see si5351a.h header file)
// If you want to output frequencies below 1MHz, you have to use the
// final R division stage
setupMultisynth(MS0_ADDR, divider, R_DIV_1);
setupMultisynth(MS1_ADDR, divider, R_DIV_1);
Si5351_write(CLK0_PHOFF,0); // Phase offset clk0 set
Si5351_write(CLK1_PHOFF,divider); // clk1 set
Si5351_write(PLL_RESET,0xA0); // Reset PLL_A
//------------- ADconverter ------------------------------//
unsigned int adconv(){
unsigned int temp;
GO_nDONE = 1 ; // Anarog read start
while(GO_nDONE) ; // PIC wait
temp = ADRESH ; // Data high set
temp = ( temp << 8 ) | ADRESL ; // low set
return temp*2; // (0-1023) * 2 = 0-2046
//------------- EEPROM read ------------------------------//
unsigned long eep_rd(unsigned char address){
unsigned long temp = 0;
temp = eeprom_read(address+3);
temp = temp << 8;
temp = temp | eeprom_read(address+2);
temp = temp << 8;
temp = temp | eeprom_read(address+1);
temp = temp << 8;
temp = temp | eeprom_read(address+0);
return temp;
//------------- EEPROM write -----------------------------//
void eep_wt(unsigned char address,unsigned long frequency){
eeprom_write(address+0,(frequency & 0xff));
eeprom_write(address+1,((frequency >> 8) & 0xff));
eeprom_write(address+2,((frequency >> 16) & 0xff));
eeprom_write(address+3,((frequency >> 24) & 0xff));
//------------- EEPROM initialize -----------------------------//
void eep_init(){
if(RA3 == 0){
while(RA3 == 0)
if(eeprom_read(0x0f) == 0x49)
frequency = eep_rd(EEP_ADR);
//------------- main -------------------------------------//
void main(){
int wk,wk1;
PIC12F1840_set(); // Cip Initialization
Si5351_init(); // si5351a Initialization
wk1 = adconv();
si5351aSetFrequency(frequency + wk1); // Frequency data set
wk = adconv();
if(RA3 == 0){
if(wk < 1024){
if(wk < 5)
frequency = frequency - 10000; // -10kHz skip
frequency = frequency - 1000; // -1kHz skip
if(wk >= 2042)
frequency = frequency + 10000; // +10kHz skip
frequency = frequency + 1000; // +1kHz skip
si5351aSetFrequency(frequency + wk); // Frequency data set
while(RA3 == 0)
if(((wk1 + 10) <= wk) || ((wk1 - 10) >= wk)){
si5351aSetFrequency(frequency + wk); // Frequency data set
wk1 = wk;