SPLIT機能は、RIT機能のサブルーチンを使ってメモリー消費をおさえた。SPLITとRITは排他的な関係で、直感的なオペレーションが出来るが、RIT制限範囲 = SPLIT制限範囲である。
最大STEP値が、100kと50kを選択出来るよう、条件付コンパイルプログラムとした。STEP 100kにする時Step_100k=1。また、STEP 50kにする時、Step_100k=0と書き換えれば良い。(下記プログラムは、STEP 50k)
'AD9850 DDS VFO Premixed type program ver.1.1b
' Copyright (C)2013.JA2GQP.All rights reserved.
' 7.000Mhz to 7.200Mhz Limitted!
' (Target frequency = IF frequency + frequency)
' 2013/11/07
' BASCOM AVR version) Compiled
' Function
' 1.Upper heterodyne
' 2.RIT operation(-50khz to +50khz)
' 3.STEP(100k,10k,1k,100,10)
' 4.Memory operation is push RIT
' (Frequency and Step)
' 5.Protection operation at the time of transmission
' 6.Channel memory main channel(ch0) + 2 chanenl(ch1,ch2)
' 7.Sprit operation(-50khz to +50khz)
$regfile = "m88adef.dat"
$crystal = 800000 '0.8Mhz clock
'--- config port ---
Config Portb = &B11000000 '0=TX,1=none,2=STEP,3=RIT
'4=ENC A,5=ENC B,6-7=LCD
Config Portc = &B00000111 '0=DATA,1=FU_UD,2=W_CLK,3-5=ch_SW
'--- port pullup ---
Portb = &B00111111 'ENC B,ENC A,RIT,STEP,none,TX
Portc = &B00111000 'Bit 3-5 pull up
'--- debounce set ---
Config Debounce = 1
'---LCD port assign ---
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db7 = Portd.6 , Db6 = Portd.5
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db5 = Portb.7 , Db4 = Portb.6
Config Lcdpin = Pin , E = Portd.2 , Rs = Portd.0
Config Lcd = 16 * 2
'---Max STEP select ---
Const Step_100k = 0 'STEP 100k=1,50k=0
'--- constant data ---
Const If_frq = 9996500 'IF frequency
Const Lw_frq = 7000000 'Lower limit operation frequency
Const Hi_frq = 7200000 'Upper limit operation frequency
Const Def_frq = 7050000 'Operation frequency(initial)
Const Lw_vfo = If_frq + Lw_frq 'VFO lower limit
Const Hi_vfo = If_frq + Hi_frq 'VFO upper limit
Const Def_vfo = If_frq + Def_frq 'VFO operation frequency(initial)
Const Lw_rit = -50000 'RIT lower limit
Const Hi_rit = 50000 'RIT upper limit
Const Scal = 34.35973837 '2^32/125.000Mhz
Const Dds_cmd = &B00000000 'DDS command
'--- define subrutine ---
Declare Sub Enc_sub 'Encorder
Declare Sub Dds_sub 'DDS
Declare Sub Lcd_sub 'LCD
Declare Sub Stp_sub 'STEP
Declare Sub Rit_sub 'RIT
Declare Sub Rx_sub 'RX
Declare Sub Tx_sub 'TX
Declare Sub Chsw_sub 'Channel SW check
Declare Sub Eep_rd_sub 'EEP read
Declare Sub Spl_sub 'SPLIT
'--- define memory ---
Dim Vfo_dat As Long 'VFO freqency data
Dim Dds_dat As Long 'DDS frequency data
Dim Str_frq As String * 10 'String frequency
Dim Dsp_frq As String * 10 'Display frequency
Dim Sng_wrk As Single 'main channel
Dim Lng_wk1 As Long 'Long work1
Dim Lng_wk2 As Long 'Long work2
Dim Wrd_wk1 As Word 'Word work1
Dim Wrd_wk2 As Word 'Word work2
Dim Wrd_wk3 As Word 'Word work3
Dim Enc_stp As Long 'Encorder step
Dim Rit_dat As Long 'RIT data
Dim Rit_datb As Long 'RIT data old
Dim Int_wrk As Integer 'Integer work
Dim Flg_rit As Byte 'RIT flag
Dim Flg_ritb As Byte 'RIT flag old
Dim Flg_tx As Byte 'TX flag
Dim Flg_spl As Byte 'SPLIT flag
Dim Frq_eep0 As Eram Long 'EEP frequency ch0
Dim Frq_eep1 As Eram Long ' ch1
Dim Frq_eep2 As Eram Long ' ch2
Dim Stp_eep0 As Eram Long 'EEP STEP ch0
Dim Stp_eep1 As Eram Long ' ch1
Dim Stp_eep2 As Eram Long ' ch2
Dim Flg_enc As Byte 'Encorder dir flag
Dim Byt_cmd As Byte 'DDS command
Dim Byt_wrk As Byte 'Byte work
Dim Byt_chn As Byte 'Channel
'Main roution
Flg_tx = 0
Flg_rit = 0 'RIT flag
Flg_spl = 0
Cursor Off
Call Chsw_sub 'Channel SW check
Byt_wrk = Byt_chn
Call Eep_rd_sub 'EEP initial
If Flg_tx = 0 Then
Debounce Pinb.4 , 0 , Enc_sub , Sub 'Encorder
Debounce Pinb.2 , 0 , Stp_sub , Sub 'Step
Debounce Pinb.3 , 0 , Rit_sub , Sub 'RIT
Debounce Pinb.1 , 0 , Spl_sub , Sub 'SPLIT
Call Chsw_sub 'Channel SW check
If Byt_wrk <> Byt_chn Then
If Byt_wrk = 0 Then
Frq_eep0 = Vfo_dat 'Save VFO0 data
Stp_eep0 = Enc_stp 'Save STEP0 data
Flg_ritb = Flg_rit 'Save RIT flag
Rit_datb = Rit_dat 'Save RIT data
Flg_rit = 0
Flg_spl = 0
Rit_dat = 0
End If
If Byt_wrk <> 0 Then
Flg_rit = 0
Flg_spl = 0
If Byt_chn = 0 Then
If Flg_ritb = 1 Then
Flg_rit = 1
Rit_dat = Rit_datb
End If
End If
End If
Byt_wrk = Byt_chn
Call Eep_rd_sub 'EEP load
End If
End If
Debounce Pinb.0 , 1 , Rx_sub , Sub 'RX
Debounce Pinb.0 , 0 , Tx_sub , Sub 'TX
If Flg_rit = 1 Then
Dds_dat = Vfo_dat + Rit_dat
Dds_dat = Vfo_dat
End If
If Flg_tx = 1 Then
If Flg_spl = 1 Then
Dds_dat = Vfo_dat + Rit_dat
Dds_dat = Vfo_dat
End If
End If
Call Dds_sub
'Encoder check,Create DDS data
Sub Enc_sub
If Pinb.5 = 1 Then
Flg_enc = 0 'Up
Flg_enc = 1 'down
End If
If Flg_enc = 0 Then
Lng_wk1 = Vfo_dat + Enc_stp 'Up
Lng_wk2 = Rit_dat + Enc_stp
Lng_wk1 = Vfo_dat - Enc_stp 'down
Lng_wk2 = Rit_dat - Enc_stp
End If
If Flg_rit = 1 Or Flg_spl = 1 Then
Rit_dat = Lng_wk2
Vfo_dat = Lng_wk1
Rit_dat = 0
End If
If Vfo_dat < Lw_vfo Then 'VFO lower limit check
Vfo_dat = Lw_vfo
End If
If Vfo_dat > Hi_vfo Then 'VFO upper limit check
Vfo_dat = Hi_vfo
End If
If Rit_dat < Lw_rit Then 'RIT lower limit check
Rit_dat = Lw_rit
End If
If Rit_dat > Hi_rit Then 'RIT upper limit check
Rit_dat = Hi_rit
End If
Call Lcd_sub
End Sub
'AD9850(DDS) Data write
Sub Dds_sub
Sng_wrk = Dds_dat * Scal
Lng_wk1 = Sng_wrk
Byt_cmd = Dds_cmd 'DDS command
Reset Portc.1
Shiftout Portc.0 , Portc.2 , Lng_wk1 , 3
Shiftout Portc.0 , Portc.2 , Byt_cmd , 3
Set Portc.1
End Sub
'LCD Data write
Sub Lcd_sub
Locate 1 , 1
Lng_wk1 = Vfo_dat - If_frq
Str_frq = Str(lng_wk1)
Str_frq = Format(str_frq , "00.000000")
Dsp_frq = Left(str_frq , 3) + Mid(str_frq , 4 , 3) + "." + Mid(str_frq , 7 , 3)
Lcd Byt_chn ; ":" ; Dsp_frq ; "Mhz"
Locate 2 , 1
Lcd "S: "
Locate 2 , 3
If Enc_stp < 1000 Then
Lcd Enc_stp
#if Step_100k = 1
Elseif Enc_stp = 100000 Then
Lcd "100k "
Elseif Enc_stp = 50000 Then
Lcd "50k "
Elseif Enc_stp = 10000 Then
Lcd "10k "
Lcd "1k "
End If
Locate 2 , 8
If Flg_rit = 1 Then
Lcd "R: "
End If
If Flg_spl = 1 Then
Lcd "X: "
End If
Str_frq = Str(rit_dat)
Str_frq = Format(str_frq , "00.000")
Locate 2 , 10
Lcd Str_frq
If Flg_rit = 0 And Flg_spl = 0 Then
Locate 2 , 8
Lcd " JA2GQP"
End If
End Sub
Sub Stp_sub
Select Case Enc_stp
#if Step_100k = 1
Case 100000:
Enc_stp = 10000 '10000
Case 50000:
Enc_stp = 10000 '10000
Case 10000:
Enc_stp = 1000 '1000
Case 1000:
Enc_stp = 100 '100
Case 100:
Enc_stp = 10 '10
Case 10:
#if Step_100k = 1
Enc_stp = 100000 '100000
Enc_stp = 50000 '50000
Case Else:
Enc_stp = 1000 '1000(initial)
End Select
Call Lcd_sub
End Sub
Sub Rit_sub
If Flg_rit = 0 Then
Rit_dat = 0
Flg_rit = 1
Flg_spl = 0
Select Case Byt_chn
Case 1:
Frq_eep1 = Vfo_dat 'Save VFO1 data
Stp_eep1 = Enc_stp 'Save STEP1 data
Case 2:
Frq_eep2 = Vfo_dat 'Save VFO2 data
Stp_eep2 = Enc_stp 'Save STEP2 data
Case Else:
Frq_eep0 = Vfo_dat 'Save VFO0 data
Stp_eep0 = Enc_stp 'Save STEP0 data
End Select
Flg_rit = 0
End If
Call Lcd_sub
End Sub
Sub Rx_sub
If Flg_tx = 1 Then
Flg_tx = 0 'TX flag rest
Locate 1 , 1
Lcd Byt_chn
End If
End Sub
Sub Tx_sub
If Flg_tx = 0 Then
Flg_tx = 1 'TX flag set
Locate 1 , 1
Lcd "T"
End If
End Sub
'Channel SW check
Sub Chsw_sub
If Pinc.3 = 0 Then
Byt_chn = 1
Elseif Pinc.4 = 0 Then
Byt_chn = 2
Byt_chn = 0
End If
Locate 1 , 1
Lcd Byt_chn
End Sub
'EEP set
Sub Eep_rd_sub
If Frq_eep0 =< 0 Then 'EEP VFO data check
Vfo_dat = Def_vfo 'Initialize VFO data
Frq_eep0 = Vfo_dat
Frq_eep1 = Vfo_dat
Frq_eep2 = Vfo_dat
Else 'Restore VFO data
Select Case Byt_chn
Case 1:
Vfo_dat = Frq_eep1
Case 2:
Vfo_dat = Frq_eep2
Case Else:
Vfo_dat = Frq_eep0
End Select
End If
If Stp_eep0 =< 0 Then 'EEP STEP data check
Enc_stp = 1000
Stp_eep0 = Enc_stp 'Initialize STEP data
Stp_eep1 = Enc_stp
Stp_eep2 = Enc_stp
Else 'Restore STEP data
Select Case Byt_chn
Case 1:
Enc_stp = Stp_eep1
Case 2:
Enc_stp = Stp_eep2
Case Else:
Enc_stp = Stp_eep0
End Select
End If
Call Lcd_sub
End Sub
Sub Spl_sub
If Flg_spl = 0 Then
Flg_spl = 1
Flg_rit = 0
Rit_dat = 0
Flg_spl = 0
End If
Call Lcd_sub
End Sub